Dr. Hal’s workshops on Didgeridoo making.
Workshop Titles: What do you do with a didgeridoo?
Make and learn to play
an Australian Aboriginal Didgeridoo.
90 minutes.
Dr. Hal will help you transform 40 inches of 1 1/4" plastic pipe (PVC) into a fine Australian Aboriginal Didgeridoo. It will play as well as any didj out there. It will have a beautiful humming drone with an in-tune overtone of a 12th above the fundamental. These didges are usually superior to those made out of wood. You will be taught some of the techniques of producing a sound by a master didj performer. And he wil get you started on a quest to learn cirucular breathing. For grades 4* through retirement.
Participants; Minimum of 20 and Maximum of 60.
Requires 1 2’x 8’ table per 8 participants.
Dr. Hal guides you through each step. He shows you how to form the beeswax mouthpiece and he provides* you with the plastic tubes
Material Cost per participant $10 (includes beeswax and 40 of 1 1/4" pvc pipe). You may purchase your own tube if you wish.
Total workshop cost is $350 plus mileage and materials.